M. L. G.'s Massage Therapy


I am a former professional ballet dancer, now in my 40's and continue advanced ballet and yoga classes. I receive weekly massages from Michelle, she puts out the "fires" in my body so I can continue to perform in advanced classes. Her presence during a massage is very pleasant and unobtrustive and her studio is cozy, warm, and quiet. Sometimes I bring my children in for a massage, she abides by their requests and they are very comfortable with her. Natalie Pond

After running the ~200 mile Oregon Hood-to-Coast relay, a 'pull' deep in my outer buttocks was so severe that I could hardly sit or walk, much less run. Michelle treated this injury with massage and recommendations for stretches and use of heat/ice. I am so grateful for her knowledge and skills. I have been to several massage therapists in the Springs area--Michelle is by far the best. Julie

It is without any hesitation or reservations that I recommend Massage Therapist Michelle Gutmann. She has done wonders for me! As a master track and field competitor and former health educator, I can honestly say Michelle's expertise, knowledge, and professionalism is second to none. She makes every effort to understand and individualize treatment for her clients. She is the BEST! Monty Cartwright, 67 year old male

I like to run, but I dread the recovery run the day after a 20 miler. I heard about Michelle’s sport massage and "ran" an experiment, with a deep tissue session following a long run. My recovery run was more like a celebration. I didn’t know that was possible. After a week of hard long-runs, a visit with Michelle puts the joy back into my legs. I never run as good as I do after a sport massage from Michelle, she physically relaxes and realigns all the muscles I punish on the trails. I could go on forever, but now all I want to do is to schedule another half hour massage. Jon C.

In 2008, at the age of 44 I had a lumbar diskectomy and fusion. After months of physical therapy, I was able to complete functional home chores, work, and walk; but I was still in much pain. A year and a half after my surgery, just putting on my pants and socks was still a painful challenge. Prior to all of this, I used to dance, take aerobic classes, run, and hike. In the middle of 2009, I started to see Michelle and the quality of my life improved dramatically. I was able to stop taking the pain medications and put on my pants without hip pain. I now dance 3-4 times a week from 2-4 hours at a time. This improvement did not happen overnight, but by seeing Michelle on a regular basis, I have my life back. Lucy

My wife and I are very happy we found Michelle. We work at the Verizon building and saw her massage sign. Michelle is always able to find the muscles that were giving me trouble and work out the knots and kinks. I've seen other therapist's before, but have bid them all goodbye since starting massage with Michelle. The location is really convenient for me too.

Michelle's Massage Miracle: A bad ear-nose-throat virus/infection took me out for most of December, 2010. Two separate antibiotic courses later and I was ready to run in January, but not where I’d left off in November…but that didn’t stop me! I had already registered and purchased hotel and airline tickets for a half marathon in Phoenix, plus I was representing my firm in the first-ever USCAA (US Corporate Athletic Assn) half marathon distance competition. I had to do good! Unfortunately, my return-to-form efforts landed me with a nasty case of Achilles tendonitis, my first case ever (and I've only been running for 40 years). A friend shared Michelle's number and she saw me with less than two weeks to go…I could barely walk, and I was supposed to run 13 miles in just 10 days! I was desperate. Maybe Michelle could work magic so that at least I could finish under two hours…Well between her expert ministrations and spot-on advice, and even though I hadn't trained at my normal level in over six weeks…I PR'd the half-marathon distance (1:37…HEY! That’s pretty speedy for old guys!) and felt great doing it! Thanks, Michelle…you really are amazing!! Bill